Steam and Conversation | Critical Role: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Episode 9

Die Mighty Nein erkunden Zadash, finden neue Jobs, finden Angetraute Verbündete und stoßen uff faszinierende Geheimnisse … Watch Critical … .


34 Antworten : “Schwaden und Chat | Kritische Rolle: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Folge 9”

  1. Chris Loeffler says:

    I audibly cheered when lliam "walked away"

    Missed that.

  2. Agent Twenty-Six says:

    The Curse of Ghor Dranas?! As someone who has watched EXU Calamity and started rewatching Mighty Nein I am thoroughly amazed at how interwoven all of the campaigns in the world of Exandria Matt has created, utterly unbelievable.

  3. Alt episode title: Caleb’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

  4. Mythology and dragons says:

    Episode NEIN

  5. catman11234 says:
  6. the nex gamer says:


    The mighty nine:
    1. Fjord
    2. Jester
    3. Beuregard
    4. Caleb
    5. Nott
    6. Mollymauk
    7. Yasha
    8. Cadeuceus
    9. Frumpkin

  7. Pyro Pip says:

    Jester: We have really small group meetings, it's usually just me

  8. GrilledCheeseSandwichBunBaconBurger says:

    I like Beau, she has the personability of a knuckle.

  9. Bork The Defender says:

    2:40:20 Nott Gets Dunked.

  10. Dragoninthewest says:

    2:34:18 ah yes, Molly is an alumnus of the George Lopez school of swimming instruction

  11. Cuffed Joe says:

    Sam should get disadvantage on stealth checks with that T-Shirt on

  12. Brilchan says:

    LOL I love Matt making a fantasy anti-imperial communists xD

  13. What people think D&D is: Fighting dragons and exploring dungeons.

    What it actually is: Teaching a little goblin girl how to swim.

  14. Alexander Tiberius says:

    Mollymauk describing his flamboyant appearance as "Entirely for the sake of my mirror" is the exact moment I fell in love with him.

  15. spaceman9599 says:

    As a person born in Britain, I personally appreciated the 1d6 psychic damage from Sam's Cockney Urchin announcement 😀

  16. Amethyst Sadachbia says:

    Liam: "If you're watching this video in July of 2019, you're welcome."
    Me, watching in February 2023: "oh"

  17. Aston Major-Owens says:

    Miss reema the half ork bathhouse lady giving off captain Barbarossa vibes

  18. NomadSkout says:

    00:40 Sam’s British Commercial
    11:10 Show Starts
    16:00 Bachelorette Party
    32:50 Throwing Shead
    35:30 Taliesin and Marisha are synced up
    54:15 Anybody else ship Beau and Ford?
    1:08:00 Elder Scrolls rules: loot all empty rooms
    1:10:05 What really went down
    1:16:00 Sound advice, cannot possibly end poorly
    1:29:45 Hard to know who is and is not Fjord
    1:33:05 Caleb shade
    1:35:25 First one of the campaign
    1:45:00 Beau is still learning
    1:51:20 Beau don’t care about all that nerd shit
    1:52:20 Nott pocket picking
    1:58:03 Break Starts
    2:00:10 Marisha Tide Pod PSA
    2:07:05 Art Montage
    2:13:05 Break Ends
    2:15:25 Fan Art Bait
    2:18:10 Wangstacker
    2:20:55 A perfect Texan impression
    2:26:05 “Arms a’Kimbo”
    2:28:10 Always a good question
    2:39:45 So many Ruby of the Sea songs
    2:58:05 Really Sam? A Voyager reference? Shame on you
    3:06:00 Animal abuse

  19. Mitchell Anderson says:

    Is no one gonna talk about how Nott is LITERALLY Tasslehoff Burrfoot?

  20. If they don't go back for the porn I'll be so disappointed.

  21. MuscleCat 100 says:

    35:31 Shave and a haircut

  22. Chuckleberry says:

    I just started watching the Meighty Nein and I really like the Traveler so far

  23. KnightNightLight says:

    00:40 Sam’s British Commercial

    11:10 Show Starts

    16:00 Bachelorette Party

    32:50 Throwing Shead

    35:30 Taliesin and Marisha are synced up

    54:15 Beau and Ford

    1:08:00 Elder Scrolls rules: loot all empty rooms

    1:10:05 What really went down

    1:16:00 Sound advice, cannot possibly end poorly

    1:29:45 Hard to know who is and is not Fjord

    1:33:05 Caleb shade

    1:35:25 First one of the campaign

    1:45:00 Beau is still learning

    1:51:20 Beau don’t care about all that nerd shit

    1:52:20 Nott pocket picking

    1:58:03 Break Starts

    2:00:10 Marisha Tide Pod PSA

    2:07:05 Art Montage

    2:13:05 Break Ends

    2:15:25 Fan Art Bait

    2:18:10 Wangstacker

    2:20:55 A perfect Texan impression

    2:26:05 “Arms a’Kimbo”

    2:28:10 Always a good question

    2:39:45 So many Ruby of the Sea songs

    2:58:05 Really Sam? A Voyager reference? Shame on you

    3:06:00 Animal abuse

  24. G. Waits4Gainz says:

    back when the mighty nein first formed hah

  25. G. Waits4Gainz says:

    cheeeeeeeesr yet again hahaha~ rewatching my rewatc hand ohh MANNNNNNN how thhis campaign changes and gets way more awsome but way more intense even just by episode 65+ wow

  26. Drako7777 says:

    Does the group carry Marisha the entire campaign???

  27. Navy Blue says:

    stopped at the break

  28. Kerri B says:

    I love Nott so much ❤️

  29. Adore ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ Jυɳɠ Hσʂҽσƙ says:

    As time goes by… I think my favorite characters are Caleb, Beu and Yasha, like I would love to meet them and be friends with them…

    But as story characters I adore Jester and Nott… They are so amazingly planned/written. (Caleb comes next though).

  30. Adore ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ Jυɳɠ Hσʂҽσƙ says:

    Caleb best boy TT

  31. Lizzy Trace says:

    I'm used to Sam being the one making pervy jokes and remarks in all the clips I've seen… but as a new Critter I never would have thought Marisha would be the one perving so much

  32. Chuck N says:

    "The Crownsguard are so lazy!" says Beau, after seeing said Crownsguard fight for their lives against a horde of ravenous gnolls and undead.

  33. Gabriel Raburn says:

    I’m sure it’s not just me, but when Matt describes a town I feel like I need to take notes cause there will be a test later.

  34. Chivokroy says:

    2:28:35 Someone explain the body tattoos joke to me. I feel like I should get it, but I don't.